Maasai Development Project
Changing Lives in Kenya, One Child at a time.
MDP Beginnings
Maasai Development Project (MDP) has been making an impact throughout Maasailand since 1998. As friendships developed with nearby Maasai ladies, Bible studies and literacy classes began.
Due to the number of requests from interior areas of Maasailand for Maasai Lay Pastors and Literacy Teachers, MDP began the Lay Pastor and Literacy sponsorship programs. It didn’t take long before the call came to assist the vulnerable child escaping Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and forced early marriage.
MDP Education Centre
Educating girls is an effective way to reduce poverty, improve health, and economic well-being in the Maasai communities.
Your sponsorship will give Maasai rescued girls a safe place to live and learn.
Primary - Jr Secondary Students
Primary (Pre-school - 6) grade girls as well as Jr Secondary (7-9), stay at the MDP Education Centre full time. They attend the Siana Boarding School adjacent to the Centre as day scholars.
Primary - Jr Secondary student subscriptions are as follows:
$75.00 per month for full sponsorship
$35.00 per month for partial sponsorship
Secondary Students
Secondary students (Grades 10-12) attend private boarding schools while school is in session. During holidays, they return to the MDP Education Centre.
Secondary student subscription is as follow:
$150.00 per month for full sponsorship
$75.00 per month for partial sponsorship
Technical School, College, & University
Student Sponsorship
Students who graduate from a Technical School (Certificate), College (Diploma), or from University (Degree), are an inspiration within their communities, as to the value of receiving an education.
A few of our Alumni girls
Alumnus Jacinta Kitaton Murero gives back to MDPEC by becoming the new social worker for the centre
Technical school, College, & University student subscription are as follows:
Technical/College student subscription -
$150.00 per month for full sponsorship
$75.00 per month for partial sponsorship
University student subscription -
$200.00 per month for full sponsorship
$100.00 per month for partial sponsorship
MDP Lay Pastor Sponsorships
Kajiado Lay Pastors
Kilgoris Lay Pastors
Narok Lay Pastors & MDPEC Administrator Ogoti Kenani
MDP Lay Pastors are the very heartbeat through which all other activities find meaning. As Christ did in His ministry, MDP Lay Pastors are ever helping and teaching those who long for hope. They are often called upon to help in disputes and place rescued girls in a safe environment. Sometimes they are simply called upon to share their drinking water and food with somebody who is thirsty or hungry. Active evangelism is always their goal.
When you partner with MDP to sponsor a Maasai Lay Pastor, together we bring encouragement and opportunity for a pastor to reach unentered areas throughout Maasailand, to spread the word of God, to bring hope, now and for eternity.
Assisting to build a new home
MDP Lay Pastors praising God through worship
MDP Lay Pastor subscription is as follows:
$200.00 per month for full sponsorship
$100.00 per month for partial sponsorship
“Missions is something very important to me”
“Though I thought I couldn’t really do anything, everyplace I went it was a progression of how God brought me out of my shell and brought me into the interest of service”
“No matter where I was God took me one step further. God wants us out of our comfort zones and he equips us…but if we just say yes to Him he will equip us with whatever that is.”
~ Jan Ashley (Latsha)
Through your sponsorships, God is continuing to do work throughout Maasailand, Changing Lives in Kenya, One Child at a Time.