Maasailand Donation

We are excited that you are a part of MDP Projects and Sponsorships. With every contact and experience we have within the community, we are able to share food, educate about Female Genital Mutilation’s short and long term effects on women, reach new rescuers, help schools continue to have tools for children, and much more. Your one-time donations, and subscriptions has made a huge impact in many lives and continues to do so. God has many ways of reaching out to unknown places. This is one of them. The year 2023 extended to many unreachable areas in Maasailand. This made it possible for MDP Lay Pastors to continue their calling. Thank you for making Maasailand’s new churches for 2024.

One-Time Donation

Whether you plan to cover for a yearly expense towards a student, lay pastor, or project, any amount makes a difference.

One-time Only Donation


As girls grow and projects expand, sponsorships helps cover monthly expenses to continue their education. MDP Lay Pastors are the communities first responders.


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Whatever it is, your gift has and continues to make all the difference.